Why Are Murders Spiking in the District of Columbia II

"I leave you with a choice. There can be no perfection in ignorance. The message from Heaven that I convey to you today is both a blessing and a warning to this generation. I will take the lead in establishing true families, true societies, true nations and the true kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. Will you join me as I rise and gain strength in accordance with heavenly fortune? Or will you remain captive behind the same old walls, all of them Satan’s handiwork—the wall of your religion, the wall of your culture, the wall of your nationality and the wall of your race—and spend the remainder of your time on earth in agony and regret? Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and establish a new heaven and new earth,a new culture and an ideal kingdom"

In part one we looked at the effect of family structure on child welfare and community stability.  In this installment we will look more at the spiritual aspect of the family and community crisis in Washington, DC.

What is the track record of the leaders of Washington DC in promoting safe, stable families for the children of Washington, DC?  What have the leaders of Washingotn DC done to encourage couples to marry, and thereby provide a safe and stable environment for the children of the District of Columbia?

In 1997 the District of Columbia had an excellent opportunity to do just that through the Blessing '97 program sponsored by the Unification Movement, founded by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon.  Through the efforts of John Robbins, outreach was made to Mayor Marion Barry.  Mayor Barry invited Rev. Moon to hold the festival at Robert F. Kennedy Stadium in the District.  As the Blessing '97 program drew nearer, Mayor Barry was to present the invitation personally to Rev. Moon at a speaking event.  However, Barry did not make himself available to do that.  Rather, I asked Ward 5 Councilmember Harry Thomas, Sr. to make that presentation, and he did.

However, Mayor Barry did not come through in promoting the festival.  Councilmember Thomas, Sr. did come and bring others.  However, all in all, a great opportunity was missed to really bring the focus of the District toward the welfare of families and children.  Rev. Moon showed a lot of concern for the District during the Blessing '97 program and also the related Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP) convention.  The Eastern Senior High school Band played at both Blessing '97 and at the CARP convention.  Rev. Moon enjoyed the performances a lot and donated $75,000 to the Eastern High School Band.

Instead of seizing this historic opportunity to strengthen families, the District moved in the opposite direction.   In 2007 health standards were approved by the School Board that require sixth grade students to learn that it is normal to be attracted to those of either the same or opposite sex.  Urban Life Training was told by District of Columbia Public School officials in an off the record meeting that since it lobbied against the new health standards, it's programs would be less than welcome in DC Public Schools.   In 2009, the District became just the fifth "state" to legalize same sex "marriage".   The District also attempted to put in place draconian Home Schooling rules, which were beaten back be a cadre of outraged home schoolers and others.

Judgment comes when spiritual laws are broken.  Rev. Sun Myung Moon writes:

"What do you think the color of love would be? Do you think it would be black at night, white during the daytime, and yellow in the evening? In the central color of love there is a strength that can bring peace and unity and create the concept of the equality of humanity.  Isn’t the Unificationist concept of love beautiful? The color of love in today’s American society is, in short, a disgusting color of death. Instead of realizing the world of the eternal ideal of creation through conjugal love, they are sinking into the pit of death. Those who thoughtlessly enter the most holy place of love will suffer the fire of judgment.  Until they receive the Blessing, men and women must keep their most holy place of love undefiled, and once they have made love, they must continue to keep it undefiled. However, Americans generally are wicked men and women who violate love’s sanctuary. Americans who do not accept marriage through the Blessing are nothing but patients who cannot see ahead because they are blinded by fallen love.  If American society continues to behave like this, it will have no hope for the future but instead will be filled only with despair. It is crystal clear that it will eventually be destroyed – not by God’s judgment but rather by people who have lost their humanity." 
Cheon Seong Gyeong pp. 531-532

 We are reaping the fruits of what we have sown.  In God's Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World - I (Peace Message 1) Rev. Moon says:

"I leave you with a choice. There can be no perfection in ignorance. The message from Heaven that I convey to you today is both a blessing and a warning to this generation. I will take the lead in establishing true families, true societies, true nations and the true kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world. Will you join me as I rise and gain strength in accordance with heavenly fortune? Or will you remain captive behind the same old walls, all of them Satan’s handiwork—the wall of your religion, the wall of your culture, the wall of your nationality and the wall of your race—and spend the remainder of your time on earth in agony and regret? Heaven is summoning you to be the wise leaders who will set aright this world of evil and establish a new heaven and new earth,a new culture and an ideal kingdom.....

Please inscribe this warning from Heaven deep in your hearts. Remember that the only way to inherit Heaven’s lineage and establish the realm of liberation and complete release is through the Holy Marriage Blessing instituted by the True Parents. Furthermore, the Holy Marriage Blessing provides the means to establish God’s ideal family and the kingdom of the peaceful, ideal world."

Watch my video blog at the VisonRoot Channel about why America is liable for Judgment here:

 What should be done?
Receive the Blessing of Marriage from Pastor and Mrs. Moon.
Become aware of what your child's school is teaching.  Insist on the promotion of sexual abstinence before marriage at your child's school. 
Enroll with your child(ren) in the upcoming STAR Interfaith Leadership Training program.
Work for the repeal of same sex marriage in Washington DC and the nation. 
Insist that public policies promote marriage, not encourage unmarried child bearing.
Insist that public policy promote the welfare of children, not the sexual preferences of adults.
Insist on freedom of religious expression in all public venues, such as schools, government meetings, etc.  Remember, it is freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
Vote for leaders who support marriage defined as the union of a man and a woman only.  It is a sad commentary that not one candidate for District of Columbia Council and Mayor in the fall 2014 election stood for the definition of marriage as being only one man and one woman.